Innovation in Health: APIS Health Angels Workshop on September 30

text that reads "Virtual Workshop, September 30," product creation studio

Innovation in Health: Improving the Design Process

Virtual Event
Thursday, September 30, 2021
5:00 - 6:00 PM

Join Product Creation Studio CTO, Scott Thielman, for this event geared toward investors and entrepreneurs!

Coming up with the product idea is one thing. Then comes the harder work…

This harder work includes human factors analysis, user needs framing and requirement documentation, blue sky and proofs of concepts, engineering for manufacturability, and quality verification. Scott Thielman, CTO of Product Creation Studio, will share insights gleaned over 25 years in product development including how to evaluate the development strategies of emerging device companies. Tips on adding efficiency throughout the development lifecycle will interest investors and entrepreneurs alike.

This event is part of the APIS Health Angel Conference. The Angel Conference process creates an opportunity for early stage startups to connect with, and learn from, early stage investors who are exploring Angel Investing. It is a learn by doing program, with lots of opportunity for everyone who participates.

Join us in this multi-factorial learning opportunity. Workshops with experienced sector experts push your understanding of challenges the health industry faces. Solutions experts help you evaluate company offerings.Investor experts identify what makes a good investment.

EventsRebecca MacLeod