DeviceConnect Video & Highlights: The Emerging Opportunities in Digital Health

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On October 14, Product Creation Studio and Life Science Washington hosted a DeviceConnect event to discuss the emerging opportunties in digital health. Featuring panelists with expertise ranging from healthcare IT to behavioral therapy and portable ultrasound, the discussion enlightened the audience about how up-and-coming technologies are improving experiences, interactions, and treatments for both patients and providers.

DeviceConnect panelists

Here is a glimpse at what each of the panelists and their teams are working on:

At Cambia Health Solutions, Mark Long and his team work are creating a simpler, more personalized health care experienc with innovative solutions that anticipate needs and guide and revolve around the patient. Learn more about the Cambia family of solutions that are changing the experience for people and families.

Jo Masterson and her team at 2Morrow are on a mission to create outcomes that move the needle with digital therapeutics that are changing the way we address chronic disease. Learn more about 2Morrow’s digital health platform.

Simon Thomas is President and COO of Freespira, Inc., the maker of Freespira, the only drug-free, FDA-cleared digital therapeutic proven to significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms of panic disorder, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder in just 28 days.

Ann Marie Young shares how Philip’s portable, point-of-care ultrasound technology, Lumify, offers clinicians the ability to confidently diagnose and care for their patients in any work environment.

Check out the full recording to learn more about what these companies are doing to provide a better healthcare experience and what opportunities might lie ahead!

EventsRebecca MacLeod