Scott Thielman talks MedTech on the Cult/Tech Podcast

Our CTO Scott Thielman recently served as a MedTech expert and guest on the Cult/Tech podcast, hosted by Lee Schneider of the Red Cup Agency

During the show, Scott and Lee zeroed in on our client LumiThera as a use case for the takeaways and advice that Scott shared. For our readers who are not familiar, LumiThera is a medical device that uses non-invasive low-light therapy to treat vision-related diseases (e.g., age-related macular degeneration). In the United States alone, approximately 11 million people suffer from impaired vision, and numbers are expected to double by 2020.

In this interview, Scott shares what the product development process should look like and the personalities each medtech startup team should include/consider having on the team in order to succeed. 

Scott and Lee also discuss design thinking and how the Lean Startup methodology applies not only to medtech companies, but to those on the hardware side as well. 

Below is a link to the full interview: 

For other great interviews on medtech, edtech, foodtech and more from Lee and the Cult/Tech team, check out their SoundCloud profile