Talent Spotlight on Ira Mitchell, Senior Project Manager

Talent Spotlight is a regular feature profiling the employees of Product Creation Studio. See the Talent Spotlight archive for more interviews.

What led you to a career in product development?

I've always been a maker at heart. Ever since I was a kid, I loved tinkering with Legos, drawing, and learning how to build things. There was just something so mesmerizing about taking an idea or set of instructions from my mind and bringing it to life.

That mentality followed me into adulthood, and I naturally gravitated towards technology and product design. I also loved the challenge of figuring things out and understanding how they work, so engineering quickly rose to the top of my list of careers.

After my undergraduate studies, starting my career at Boeing in their aircraft development programs really solidified my passion for product development. Being part of a talented team of colleagues with a similar enthusiasm for designing and building complex systems was incredibly exciting and motivating. It's more than just creation – it's about collaboration, problem-solving, and determination to bring an idea into the real world. 

What excites you most about your job?

What excites me most about the job is the prospect of diving into complex problems and finding creative solutions daily. In my past roles, I've always thrived when presented with a challenge that requires thinking outside the box. There's a real sense of accomplishment in untangling a complicated issue and devising a strategy that works. No two challenges are ever exactly alike.

Beyond the problem-solving itself, I love the opportunity to learn and grow constantly. Whether it's picking up a new technical skill or expanding my knowledge in a completely different discipline, the drive for learning is a big motivator for me. The job offers a constant stream of fresh challenges and opportunities to keep me engaged, motivated, and growing both personally and professionally.

Describe your most rewarding work experience to date.

The most rewarding experience in my career thus far has been starting and operating my own company. It allowed me to finally chase my long-held dream of being an entrepreneur. It was incredible to take all the ideas, notes, and plans and turn them into something tangible – a real product or service that could make a difference for someone. Getting a chance to do so alongside my childhood friends and family was icing on the cake.

As we’ve gotten started over the last few years, seeing happy clients coming back for more and the positive feedback from customers we’ve received has been hugely validating. The journey has been a massive learning experience, filled with triumphs and setbacks. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything, and I look forward to what lies ahead for the company.

What is the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I spent two months living and working in China as a Research Assistant at a university in Shanghai. I got the opportunity to work with graduate students and professors to contribute to their aerodynamics research for micro-flight vehicles.

As a college kid born and raised in Iowa who had never left the United States, I was a bit nervous but also excited to push myself out of my comfort zone to try something new. It turned out to be an amazing chance to combine my academic interests with a completely new cultural experience.

Beyond the technical work, the cultural immersion made it so special. Exploring many cities around the country, both rural and urban, and connecting with colleagues was immensely fun and an illuminating experience. It allowed me to grow not just academically but also personally.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I am drawn to activities that offer a healthy balance of physical and mental stimulation. I enjoy distance running and weightlifting, which help me stay active and focused. They are also great ways to clear my head, generate new ideas, or recharge after a busy day.

I am also a lifelong learner, so I tend to read and research extensively on a wide range of topics, from aerospace vehicle design and theoretical physics to philosophy and economics. My curious nature drives me to explore new ideas and find ways to keep my mind creatively engaged.

Getting outdoors to explore the world is also a hobby of mine. Whether it's a day hike on the local trails, a weekend camping trip, or a longer backpacking adventure, spending time in nature is truly rejuvenating for me. It's a chance to disconnect from the everyday hustle and reconnect with myself and the environment around me.