MDDI Article: What Could Robotic Surgery Look Like in the Next Decade and Beyond?

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This article originally appeared in MD+DI on November 13, 2019.

Experts will come together at BIOMEDevice San Jose to discuss how much automation surgeons want and how robotics technology could meet those needs.

The growth expected for robotic surgery is astounding. Allied Markets Research predicts demand could reach $98,737.0 million by 2024.

Scott Thielman, CTO at Product Creation Studio, will moderate the panel “What’s Next for Robotic Surgery” at BIOMEDevice coming up in early December.

“I’m excited about the panel composition,” Scott Thielman told MD+DI. “We have the CEO/investor of an amazing intra-vascular robotic system (Fischel from StereoTaxis), we have the CEO/founder of an advanced sensor company (Mokhbery from FUTEK), and we have an expert surgical robotic practitioner (physician Kirk at Saint Helena Women’s Center). This cuts across the areas that will drive innovation in this space. It’s a race for advanced surgery systems to apply cutting-edge technologies to better meet the needs of the users, so I’ve got a representative at each of these touchpoints.”

Check out the full article on MD+DI to learn more about the future of robotics.