Event Highlights: PCS's Product Development Seminar

On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Product Creation Studio held its first ever Product Development Seminar at Cambia Grove. The two-part event featured talks by Product Creation Studio experts on getting your product from idea to market success. It also included a panel of industry experts that shared insights on the larger product development ecosystem and how certain factors can help or hinder product succes

The event started with PCS VP of Marketing, Kim Chau’s presentation on understanding a company’s market needs and then VP of Client Engagement, Ian MacDuff spoke about developing the right hardware teams for new product startups. PCS CEO, Cameron Smith gave a presentation about developing a design strategy and PCS CTO, Scott Thielman spoke about right-sizing your prototyping effort. Finally, PCS Director of Project Management, Andy Silber gave a presentation about adaptive project management and why it works best for hardware development.

During the second half of the event, the panel of Product Creation Studio experts shared their experiences in other aspects of creating successful products. Leo Lam PhD, who is an engineering consultant and angel investor, moderated the discussion. The panel consisted of Roger Sahm MD, a biomedical consultant who spoke about regulatory compliance, Maren Nelson, a medical device consultant, who spoke about device certification, Roger Wylie, an intellectual property lawyer, who spoke about protecting your innovations, Blake Stancik, the VP of Operations at PCS, who spoke about operational logistics, and Matt Cordell, the national sales manager at OSI Electronics, who spoke about achieving manufacturing readiness.

The sold-out event sparked fruitful discussions about what pitfalls to avoid when developing your product and how to ensure that you’re prepared for success. The overall feedback from the event has been incredibly positive and our attendees resoundingly would recommend the event to others. We look forward to hosting our next seminar!

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